Shaping the Future of Chevy Chase DC

Let’s Talk about Shaping the Future of Chevy Chase DC

Who are we? Ward3Vision is a group of residents who can imagine our neighborhoods as even better urban places – more walkable, sustainable, and vibrant. We work to ensure that D.C. grows in a way that is environmentally and socially responsible, positive, and progressive, while respecting the character of our residential neighborhoods and bringing the vitality of urban life to our commercial corridors.

What do we do? Ward3Vision has been involved in the ongoing conversations about the future of our neighborhoods in upper Northwest. Recently, we have presented informational webinars

  • Help Take Down the Invisible Walls – The History of Exclusionary Zoning and Segregation in Ward 3
  • What’s in the Affordable Housing Toolbox?
  • What’s in the Streetscape Toolbox?

Ward3Vision was active in the process leading to the adoption of revisions to the citywide Comprehensive Plan, advocating for efforts such as the Chevy Chase Small Area plan. We have participated on various Task Forces and Committees throughout Ward 3 addressing planning, sustainability, racism, and social equity issues. We are currently represented on the Chevy Chase DC Small Area Plan Citizen’s Advisory Committee.

What guides us? Ward3Vision’s guiding principles can be summarized as:

  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Social Equity
  • Quality of Life
  • Neighborhood architectural character

Let’s talk about shaping the future of Chevy Chase DC: We are pleased to see these principles reflected in the community’s goals as summarized in the Office of Planning’s key visioning themes for the Small Area Plan for Chevy Chase DC:

  • Inviting Social & Cultural Character (Neighbor Character, Social Equity)
  • Inclusive Built Environment (Neighborhood Character)
  • Re-imagined Civic Core (Social Equity, Quality of Life)
  • Equitable Housing Strategy (Social Equity)
  • Thriving Retail Corridor (Quality of Life)
  • Safe and Sustainable Mobility (Environmental Sustainability)

Ward3Vision’s Urban Design Concept for Chevy Chase looks at how the community’s important big goals might shape the next few decades for the Chevy Chase Gateway. The resulting concept is not quite a plan, but it identifies opportunity sites and presents a framework for further discussion and design during the Small Area Plan process. This framework, presented in a visual and graphical manner, can underpin a broader neighborhood conversation about the future of Chevy Chase DC as an inclusive, vibrant and sustainable commercial corridor.

Here is the plan: W3V Concept Plan for Chevy Chase DC FINAL 10 06 2021


We recognize that other important work needs to be done to round out a complete Small Area Plan including:

  • Design guidelines for ground floor uses to encourage neighborhood-serving, even quirky retail.
  • Retention and relocation planning for existing tenants
  • Public Space plan to find creative ways to use the wide sidewalks and any public spaces in new development
  • Architectural guidelines may be appropriate
  • Transportation Plan including improved access to Metro, improved bus service, and a Complete Streets approach for Connecticut Avenue
  • Programming and management plan for the area.
  • Establish goals for green buildings and infrastructure
  • Assessments of impact on critical infrastructure such as school capacity

We welcome your engagement and comments on these ideas. For more information about Ward3Vision, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter.