5220 Wisconsin Avenue
Support for the Akridge project in Friendship Heights
Testimony on the AU Law School
Support for the 2011-2020 Campus Plan for the Relocation and Construction of the Washington College of Law at the Tenley Campus
AU Science Building
Testimony before the Zoning Commission regarding the proposal for a new Science Center at American University, Main Campus.
Hearst Pool
Testimony to the DC Council oversight of DPR regarding the proposal for a new outdoor pool at Hearst Park
PUD – 4620 Wisconsin Avenue
Homeless Shelter Letter
Letter to the Board of Zoning Adjustment regarding the homeless shelter proposal in Cathedral Heights.
Wisconsin Avenue Baptist Church and Sunrise of Tenley Circle
Submitted testimony to the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) as it relates to the proposal for a Sunrise Assisted Living center on the Wisconsin Avenue Baptist Church property on Tenley Circle.